  英 [ˈmu:vmənt] 美 [ˈmuvmənt]
  名词 运动; 活动; 乐章; 动作,举动
  1. She watched the dancer and tried to copy her movements.
  2. We're starting a movement against smoking.
  3. He lay there without movement.
  4. The police are carefully watching the movements of the suspicious character carefully.
  1. Junior Achievement is an international movement to educate young people about business and economics.
  2. The central government adopted the hukou system in 1951 to restrict and regulate the movement of people by tying everyone to their place of birth.
  3. An Israeli blockade was imposed on the Gaza Strip right after the Islamic Hamas movement seized control of it by force in June 2007.
  4. Erekat said the Fatah candidate will likely be chosen by the movement's small central committee and not in a primary.
  5. Abbas hurriedly swore in the new Cabinet on Sunday, days after dissolving a unity government between his Fatah movement and Hamas.
  6. What we're talking about is some increased movement in the exchange rate, ''Dunaway said during a conference call.
  7. It has obviously preserved the three geological movement traces of the Cambrian Period.
  8. The movement also served as a campaign to fight against feudalism and promote democracy and science.
  9. He was an active figure in the movement against nuclear proliferation, heading a coalition of Japanese cities calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons.
  1. But the tendency that at present economics also puts in a move in chess or a movement in wushu to learn formalism, caused the criticism of a few economist.
  2. Berserk - Gives the Troll Berserker faster movement and attack rate; however, they will also take more damage from attacks.
  狂暴 -给予巨魔狂战士更快的移动速度和攻击频率。不过,他们受到的攻击也会造成更多的伤害。
  3. The reciprocating movement of the pistons is converted to rotary motion by a swash plate drive.
  4. Designed by Nehru, the Non-aligned Movement was a domestic and international triumph for India.
  5. The completely new systems theory from kybernetics, information theory and system science has revealed in different aspects the law of link in things and the law of movement in objective world.
  6. The only movement in the air was the soft downward motion of microscopic drops of moisture or mist.
  7. The direction of movement of this ejector pin is, therefore, controlled by this hole.